Power Pitch
Fri, Feb 28
Generate more sales, leads, and opportunities with our signature 60-second sales script. Learn master storytelling techniques from Tara McEwen, a media professional with decades of experience working in national television. Leave a lasting impression with impact, closing more sales faster.

Time & Location
Feb 28, 2025, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. EST
About the event
If you feel like your message is getting lost in the noise, it's not the algorithm. It's your message.
Creating a lasting impression with today's media landscape is like screaming out the lyrics in a packed stadium - everyone singing the sames notes and words at the same time. Even in-person communication lands with a thud - unless you know how to pitch like a producer.
Using our 60-second sales generator script, you will learn
how to create a simple story framework you can adapt to any situation and sales opportunity
persuasive writing techniques to keep your audience engaged (and moving down your sales pipeline)
audience psychology honed by broadcast television outlets for decades