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Mental Motivators for Creatives Part 5

Writer: Tara McEwenTara McEwen

To schedule or not schedule time to make content

What is keeping you from creating content. Time, right? I bet it's time.

This was a big thing in the first month of our Media Mentor Program. We aim to write and send out pitches in the first month. Rip off The Band- Aid, jump in the deep end. There's no

point delaying this step.

It does not take long to teach someone how to write a pitch. I offer up my go-to template for free all the time. You can even get Chat GPT to write them for you.

The real work we cover is in clearing the excuses, limiting beliefs, and just every day things that get in the way.

Things like using time blocking to get your creative work done.

Don't get me wrong, I love time blocking. I use it a lot. I love my calendar. I rely on it. If it's not in my calendar, I don't remember it. And my calendar is colour- coded, so it's nice to look at.

There's one thing I don't schedule and that's creativity. But that doesn't mean I don't have to find time.

I still run a business. I'm not a full-time content creator. Content is only one aspect to my

marketing plan. I spend a lot of time natural and connecting with potential clients and partners. Plus I lead a team. And I still work 1:1 with clients.

Creative content is the spine holding it all together, but there are still many things needy my attention. Here's how I balance it:

#1: Scheduled Time is "People" Time

Meetings, client sessions, networking events, and discovery calls all require my physical

presence with another human. Virtual or remote, this is what makes my schedule. Some days are back-to- back meetings but not all days.

As a CEO, time to work on my vision is key to our growth. Every few months I look at my weekly schedule and see if I have the right balance of time with people and the with my mind.

I'm ruthless with cutting out meetings. Do we need to meet every morning or have I prepped the team to understand what's expected and how to deliver? Can we be just as effective meeting three times a week?

And what about my availability to clients? Can I concentrate client work to the middle of the week, leaving Mondays and Fridays open for more creative time?

This exercise isn't about fitting all at the push pieces together. Some things do need to

give. It's about having the conversation with yourself on when you can invite creative time. Ideas will still come to you any time, so make note as they do appear. Then, when you see a big chunk of time in your calendar, that's when you tell yourself "that's a big

chunk of time for big ideas."

#2. Allow for spontaneity

Not all creative ideas require a big chunk of time. Sometimes I'll be inspired to share a quick piece of advice and make the decision to record it then and there.

I have my desk set up by a window so I can quickly grab my gimble, face the sun and hit record. I know I won't get it in the first take, but if I have 30 minute to spare, I'll try as many takes until I get something that makes sense.

Don't strive for perfection. This is spontaneous. An idea so important you could wait to get it out to the world.

And if it doesn't come together in the short window you have, it's not a big deal. The idea wasn't ready yet. Do other things until you find another window.

Ask yourself "what do I want to say?" Then start recording.

#3 Be open to creativity at all times. If inspiration hits on the weekend, don't ignore it. Give in. Sometimes the weekend is the best time to play with a creative idea because it's not competing with the rest of your schedule.

Drop the idea that weekends are somehow sacred spaces where "work" is not allowed.

Creative ideas may be connected to work, but it's not the same as being client-facing, scheduling meetings, or answering emails.

We're talking about creative expression. An idea, story, or outline that wants to be expressed. You just happen to share it on your professional account.

If you allow yourself to create whenever it feels easy, the rest of your schedule will feel

easy too. You won't have The split focus of "I need to finish this expense report so I can knock of 20 Tik Toks for next week!"

Instead, you'll move into a space where it's natural to come up with ideas at random times, and then negotiate with this idea on when you'll get to it.



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